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Come and discover Etna and the summit craters through unique and emotional itineraries.

On the most active volcano in Europe, you will have the opportunity to visit places in continuous evolution, marked by the profound changes impressed by the permanent volcanic activity.

Always a focal center of scientific and cultural interest, Etna represents the perfect combination of sports/hiking activities and knowledge of the territory.

Etna & Stromboli Excursions

crateri sommitali etna

The most popular excursion for volcano lovers, a unique experience on the highest active volcano in Europe.

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crateri sommitali etna

The excursion offers breathtaking scenery on the crater of the 2001 eruption, on the Barbagallo Craters dating back to what has been defined as "the perfect eruption" of October 2002-2003

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summith craters from north

Unique excursion on the wildest side of the Etna volcano, among craters and small lava flow caves in a suggestive setting.

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crateri sommitali etna

Stromboli offers one of the most unique and spectacular scenery in Sicily. A unique place, made even more fascinating by "Iddu", one of the most active volcanoes in Europe.

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